Stranded and Which would you choose?

Hello....I have so missed being here! BUT we are "stranded" in California (I know I know sounds like an oxymoron)....the weather in the northeast has been absolutely horrible, it has virtually been paralyzed by snow, ice and extreme temps. Our flight was canceled and we were told that they could not get us home until Thursday! I love Cali but had never planned to have that long of a vacation! When you know you are heading home, you are ready to head home. I am sure I will be wishing we were "stuck" here even longer once I get home when it's supposed to be a whopping 4 degrees!
I was lucky enough to find a flight leaving Mon night out of an airport 3 hours away so because of this unforeseen extension of my trip, my Christmas magic contest originally scheduled to start today will start on Tues (fingers crossed and barring any more weather events)! I had this  post in my draft box, it was slated to post before Christmas but never quite made disregard the "pre Chrismas" ramblings............

Hi there! I am still around, just knee deep in finishing up my decorating, gift wrapping (and still some buying) and just the normal expected chaos that ensues this time of year. The one thing I am happy to say that I did a little earlier than usual... my decorating is nearly done as is my gift buying. The one thing I am REALLY behind in is getting my Christmas cards out, they haven't even arrived! Not happy with Minted, think it might be a first and last time experience.

Now I know for those of who who are calling it a wrap in November, this is not so impressive but for me who often is still thinking of gifts on just hours before Christmas...this is a big deal! On top of all that we have going on...we also have to think about what we like to wear, right? Gotta look good in the process!

Anywho, we were invited to a Christmas party this past weekend and I went to look for a really pretty boucle coat I bought many many years ago that has a metallic thread running through it so it feels really festive but I realized it's a size 4 and I barely got past the arm...oh oh! So I am now in the market for a new coat. Something to wear out at night but that can be used daytime too. Got me thinking about coats, think I think I need to gift myself one for Christmas!

So assuming the jacket fairy paid you a visit.....Which coat/jacket  most says "you"? I cannot wait to see who comes out on top! Wishing you a wonderful day and good luck getting through this last week of prep! Hang in there and don't forget to take little breaks to do something nice for yourself:) maybe some online shopping at netaporter.













 Some really pretty coats, don't you think? I tend to favor neutrals and tailored classic shapes but every now and then its fun to switch it up with a fun color or something kind of funky! Would love to know what you like.....thanks as always for stopping in. Hope your 2014 is off to a fabulous start....with luck I will be back on Tuesday, ready to "get back to work"! Until then.....


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